Posts tagged with "Natur"

Seafront Quarry Outfit with Spirit of lunar and Crisiswear - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion
2021 · 21. July 2021
I'm back from my summer break and travel through the south of the country. It was great to be out and offline, but I didn't forget about you and brought back some many photos. The credit for not only the photography but also finding this breathtaking location goes to my partner David. It's an old quarry directly at the coast of the Isle of Portland.

Stonehenge and Avebury photos - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2019 · 17. December 2019
On our way to Cornwall, Stonehenge was close to the way and and I wanted to see it for a long time. So we made a little detour after Bristol and camped very near. But there was so much else too look at in this area. We roughly planned a whole day to look at stone circles and other neolithic sites. As usual with my photography posts: click to enlarge.

Dartmoor Quarry - Steinbruch Fotos - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2019 · 17. September 2019
Ich hatte ja von unserem Urlaub nach und in Cornwall berichtet und erwähnt, daß noch weitere Teile folgen. Der heutige besteht zum größten Teil aus Fotos, die in einem stillgelegten Steinbruch entstanden sind. Am Tag als wir uns die Buckfast Abbey angeschaut haben sind wir weiter durch das Dartmoor Naturschutzgebiet, eigentlich um was ganz bestimmtes zu finden...